About Us

Who we are

Galaxy Itech Solutions Ltd is a leading financial technology
company committed to revolutionizing your banking
experience. Our M-SACCOTECH and M-CREDITLINK
software systems, provide seamless access to paperless
investing, payroll, and financial services, all at your
fingertips. Our mission is to enhance SACCO, Microfinance,
Chama, and others’ growth and development, fostering
sustainable community progress.


Our vision is to simplify and optimize your digital banking
services experience, aspiring to be the preferred digital
platform for financial institutions.


We are on a mission to positively impact our community by
delivering quality digital platforms through innovative,
efficient, and reputable practices. Our software systems
ensure seamless, paperless, community-based banking
solutions, promoting savings mobilization and affordable
credit services. We aim to cultivate lasting relationships
with stakeholders, providing value-added financial
solutions to help them achieve their goals.

Our Goals